Advanced Trauma Life Support(ATLS) is a training program for medical providers in management of acute trauma cases in emergency situation
Advanced Trauma Life Support(ATLS) is a training program for medical providers in management of acute trauma cases in emergency situation. Department of Medical Surgical Nursing unit of Indirani College of Nursing organized 2 days Skill Training on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) for B.Sc Nursing III Year Students. On Day 1(23.04.2023), Mrs.Nandhini S, Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing welcomed the gathering, Prof. Dr.Rajeswari R Vice principal cum HOD Department of Medical Surgical Nursing introduced the Resource Person Dr. G. Raja, Consultant, AVMC, Accident and Emergency Medicine, and Certified AHA Instructor. Felicitation address delivered by Prof. Dr.Malliga M, Principal and Presidential address given by Chief Operating Officer Dr.B.Vidya and honoured Guest Speaker with token of love. In this skill session various aspects of ATLS like importance of Trauma care, components of treatment modalities were explained in detail. Skill training about the triaging, first aid principles and emergency assessment and management of Trauma. On Day 2 (24.06.2023) skill training was conducted with different scenarios like handling the Road traffic accidents cases with head injury, spinal injury, long bone fractures, ER management and Mass casualty. The pretest and post test was conducted and feedback obtained about the organization of program. The feedback report was analyzed and 95% were stated as good.The overall programme was organized by Ms.Mohanapriya under the guidance of Prof.Dr.Malliga M, Principal and Prof.Dr.Rajeswari.R Viceprincipal. The programme was end at 3 pm with warm gratitude.
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