World Thrombosis Day 2022 - Indirani College of Nursing
In Commemoration of World Thrombosis Day 2022
In Commemoration of World Thrombosis Day 2022, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing has organized an Exhibition on the theme “Eye opening of Thrombosis” on 13.10.2022 between 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm at Indirani College of Nursing. Around 600 nursing students from M.Sc, B.Sc, P.B.B.Sc have visited the exhibition and gained knowledge through various thrombosis models like DVT, Pulmonary embolism, Complication of thrombosis etc. Totally 53 B.Sc (N) IInd year students were participated, they were divided into groups and exhibited their models. The group members were actively participated and explained their models to the listeners. The Program was conducted by Mrs. Dhanasundari.G, Asst professor, department of Medical Surgical Nursing under the Guidance of Principal Dr. Prof. Malliga M and Dr.Prof. Rajeswari. R, Vice principal cum IQAC coordinator. The models were evaluated by the faculties and best model were appreciated with gift and certificates.
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